Doc Let Beach is the most beautiful beach near Nha Trang. Incredible color blue water, fine white sand, smooth entrance to the sea – for many people this is the ideal beach. This beach you can see and near Nha Trang – the main by the number of tourists visiting the resort of Vietnam. Doc Let Beach is perfect for you if you are vacationing with children, because the wide beach with sand like flour and the sea with a long entry, which is much warmer than in Nha Trang is what parents and children need on vacation.

doc let beach nha trang vietnam

Doc Let Beach is also suitable for all other categories of citizens who come to Nha Trang and want to relax in a beautiful quiet place near the city. People are often taken here with a tour, but you can also get to this paradise place on your own, and even stay for a couple of nights in hotels, which are located right here on the beach.

How to get to Doc Let Beach Nha Trang

The distance from Nha Trang to Doc Let Beach is 50 km. There are 4 different ways to get to Doc Let Beach:

  • By taxi

A round trip cab Nha Trang – Doc Let Beach – Nha Trang will cost you about 400-500 thousand VND. It is best to negotiate with cab drivers for a flat fee, as the meter will be more expensive. It is better to use the meter in the city of Nha Trang.

  • As a part of the tour

Doc Let Beach is often visited by organized excursions. There are excursions to Doc Let Beach, as well as with a visit to Ba Ho Falls, as they are on the way to Doc Let Beach. If you go with the tour, you will be brought to a good paid entrance, where you are likely to have already included sun loungers, umbrella, maybe even lunch.

  • on the #3 bus with a yellow stripe

The bus runs from stops near Gorky Park, near the Louisiana restaurant, near the Gallina Hotel. In Nha Trang there are also buses #3 with a white stripe, they take a different route. The bus should have Doc Let written on it. The cost of the trip is 28,000 VND, buses run from 5 a.m. to 5:35 p.m. Back from Doc Let Beach is better to leave a little earlier than the last flight, it happens that flights are canceled, so do not wait for the very last flight. The drive is about 1.5 hours.

  • on your own on a moped

This is probably the best way, at least for me. I love to ride a moped and get to all the interesting places on my own. You can rent a moped directly at your hotel in Nha Trang or at special places that offer transport rental. The road is quite scenic, but you need to ride carefully, however, as elsewhere in Asia, the most important rule – skip. On a moped you can also stop by Ba Ho Falls, spend some time there, then go to Doc Let Beach. The journey is about 1.5 hours.

Doc Let Beach, stretches for 6 km, its northern part is often called Paradise Beach because of the hotel of the same name located here, in fact, it is all one shoreline Doc Let Beach. Be careful if you take a tour on this beach, if it says Paradise, then you will be brought to the hotel Paradise Resort Doc Let, if it says Doc Let Beach, then you will be brought to the hotel TTC Resort Doc Let.

doc let beach nha trang vietnam 

The cost of visiting Doc Let Beach

Doc Let Beach Nha Trang is divided into 3 parts, the first part is a paid entrance, as it is located on the hotel grounds, the entrance fee is

  • VND 70,000 for adults, the price includes a bottle of water 0.5 liter.
  • VND 35 thousand for children.

For this money you can go to a normal toilet, and use a shower with fresh water after bathing.

The second part, more central, where the bars are, the shoreline is very narrow, the water often comes up to the bars themselves, especially at high tide. It is not very comfortable to rest here due to lack of space.

The third part, the southernmost, it is on the border with the paid beach. This is where the bus number 3 with a yellow stripe will take you. It may not be as clean as the paid beach, but I really liked it. I, in general, did not really notice the difference. We were in early April, the beach was clean, the sea was also clean and warm. We went 2 days in a row specifically to the free part of Doc Let Beach and were very happy with that time. Once we laid in the shade of the trees, the other time, when we arrived early in the morning, we took 2 chairs with an umbrella for 70 thousand VND for the whole day.

doc let beach nha trang vietnam 

Doc Let Beach — our visit to the beautiful Doc Let Beach

Doc Let Beach in Vietnamese is spelled as Doc Let. When we first came to this beach after a lunch in the afternoon after visiting the famous Ba Ho Falls, I was very excited.

Doc Let Beach is strikingly different from all the beaches in Nha Trang and Da Nang where we were. At that time, I thought we were somewhere in one of the beautiful islands of the Philippines, like El Nido. Or in general, somewhere in the Maldives. Yes, yes, the beach has a wide coastal strip, it is very long, it has fine light sand like flour and a beautiful turquoise blue sea, with soft gentle waves and a long entry into the water. There are no stones in the water, the bottom is sandy and clean. How great it was to swim there!

doc let beach nha trang vietnam

The water on Doc Let Beach was warmer than on Nha Trang Beach, as if it was a warm bath, but it was still very pleasant to swim in such warm water. In our visit, there were not very many people, although I read beforehand that, since they take tours here, then prepare for crowds of people of different nationalities. Apparently, as we arrived around 14-15 hours in the afternoon, all excursions had already dispersed. And another thing, maybe we were at the free part of the beach, and excursions, I understand, take it to the paid part of Doc Let Beach. There were indeed a lot more people on the paid part than on the free part. But exactly the crowds I did not see. In the water we swam only 5-7 people, no one interfered with each other.

After dinner the tide began, the water was moving away from the shore, and the shoreline was becoming even wider. The sun was no longer scorching so hard, and it was nice to walk both ways under the warm gentle sun, looking at the beautiful sea and mountains that surrounded it from all sides.

doc let beach nha trang vietnam 


In fact, 1.5 hours by moped to Doc Let Beach and the beach is a bit exhausting, so some people coming here from Nha Trang stay for 2-3 nights at local hotels. There are few hotels here, there are cheaper and more expensive.

Good Hotels near Doc Let Beach on Booking:

Located right by the beach, a few steps from the sea on the first line. Rated 8.0 by Booking

The hotel is only 200 meters from the beach. Rated 8.6 by Booking

The hotel is a 7-minute walk from Doc Let Beach, and guests comment on the excellent hospitality of host Pasha. Rated 8.9 on Booking

The hotel is a 5-minute walk from the beach. Rated 8.2 by Booking

doc let beach nha trang vietnam

Where to eat near Doc Let Beach

Doc Let Beach has a small infrastructure, but still has a few cafes where you can eat good food. There are also places to rent mopeds. At the entrance to the beach, locals offer you to take business cards with ads of their cafes. On responses, there very tasty food. We, unfortunately, did not have time to go to them, we always ran out of time.

Doc Let Beach is really great, I wanted to come here again and again, but I think that to live here for 2 weeks in a local hotel I could not, in the evening there is absolutely no movement, entertainments. The ideal option is to live in Nha Trang, and come here for 2-3 nights and relax on the beach.

Although it is with children holidays in local hotels may seem to be the right place, where it will be comfortable for both children and adults.


Doc Let Beach in Nha Trang on the map, Vietnam